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Selling Property

  • Hold On Yorkshire – 2022 Is Here

    January 2022
      Despite the cold, it’s that time of year to strip down and get out there, what one thinks will happen in the property market over the course of 2022. The last two years in the Yorkshire market have been…
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  • Why Is The Yorkshire Property Market Performing So Well?

    December 2021
      It’s time for the current space race between Branson and Bezos to step aside. Yorkshire has its own property rocket, which has recently hit new heights in the stratosphere. The relentless pace in the market has been nothing short…
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  • How To Be An Attractive Buyer?

    November 2021
      Ask any estate agent how many potential buyers come to them and say they are ‘cash’ and they will usually sigh and roll their eyes. This term is often thrown around quite nonchalantly and buyers need to be wary…
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  • Why Is The Yorkshire Property Market So Strong?

    October 2021
      The Yorkshire property market has been on fire recently, with surging house prices, strong demand and there doesn’t seem to be any loss of appetite currently. So how did all this interest suddenly come to Yorkshire and what’s really…
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  • Take a listen to Alex Goldstein’s chat with Saam Lawni on this episode of Property People. He is discussing, among other things, regulations throughout the property market, the growing popularity of the north and how the digital age is affecting property buying and selling.

    Alex Goldstein And Saam Lowni Interview | Property People

    October 2021
  • Yorkshire Property Market Predictions

    September 2021
      Well it has certainly been quite a year so far in the property market – especially in Yorkshire. Continued stories of ferocious competition, block viewing days, best and final offers, gazumping and there doesn’t seem to be much let…
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  • The Hidden Property Sector

    September 2021
      There has been a part of the property market that has been steadily gaining strength which I refer to as ‘the hidden property sector’. This hidden sector is the off-market sector, and remains hidden to many. To the uninitiated, these…
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  • A Phenomenal Property Market – Now What?

    August 2021
      There have been moments nothing short of insanity in the Yorkshire market recently, with exceptionally high prices being achieved, sealed bids, jaw-dropping competition and no let up – what a phenomenal property market we’ve seen! As we exited the…
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  • The Plight of Mortgage Prisoners

    August 2021
      The property sector continues to be in the news for all the wrong reasons, with various injustices coming into the public eye. Whether it’s the cladding scandal, the Leasehold debacle, mortgage prisoners or PLC developers cutting corners behind the…
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  • Property is Going Back to the Future

    July 2021
      The onslaught of advertising We are bombarded constantly from advertisers, all vying for position to get in front of us with the sole purpose to make us buy. Not so long ago this was restricted to just newspapers, magazines…
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  • What Are You Really Paying An Estate Agent For?

    June 2021
      When selling your property, have you ever asked the question – ‘what are you really paying an estate agent for?’ The sceptics out there will say this sounds like an oxymoron; however it has never been more important to…
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  • How to Make Your Property Sale Easy

    May 2021
      As I write, there are widespread reports that the market is ‘on fire’. Ferocious pace, competition for properties, best and final offers – the list goes on. Given the current relentless market activity, many may be lulled into a…
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  • One Estate Agent Or Two?

    April 2021
      From time to time I’ll be asked by a vendor if they should be using one estate agent or two to better their chances of selling their home – to which I often advise this isn’t necessarily the better…
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  • Property Guide Price – When You’ve Got It Wrong

    March 2021
      There are a few taboo subjects when it comes to the property sector and one of the most common seems to be when it comes to property guide prices. Start mentioning this to most vendors and they immediately get…
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  • The Hidden Time Options When Selling Your Home

    February 2021
      Time. It is one of the most important factors when trying to buy or sell your home – more often than not, matters do not move at the pace you want – don’t even get me started on local…
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